
Motherwort Helps You Smoothly Transition to Menopause

Entering menopause, under the influence of various factors, mentality and physiology of women will endure a variety of problems, then menopausal syndrome will follow. Motherwort will be an effective natural drug for calming the heart of women from the trouble of hot sweat, irritability, palpitations, insomnia, and depression etc. 

Menopause is a fresh stage of women. They suffer from increasing pressures of growth of children, support of parents, busy work, husband-wife affection, therefore women need a good heart adjustment. Motherwort will become a “girl friend” of menopause to ease the tension, soothing, enhance the nerves, reduce the level of hormones etc.

Several species of motherwort are temperate regions of Europe and Asia and grow wild in Canada and the United States. It is mainly used for the treatment of irregular menstruation caused by stasis in the blood division of women, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), amenorrhea (abnormal absence or suppression of menses).

The motherwort extract (in brown powder, tiny odor, sweet and bitter to taste, easy to absorb moisture) is from the aboveground parts of motherwort. Pincredit looks forward your visit of this hot natural product. Keep you healthy is our largest duty. 

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